About Me!

About me

Hello my Dear readers!

My name is Victor, as you may already know if you’ve read my blog in the past or perhaps even know me in real life. This article/page will be completely about me, but I will try to avoid talking about carpentry, woodworking and anything of that nature, I will only cover other things about me, that I may enjoy or dislike. I feel like the site would be a bit too monotone if I just went on yapping about crafts all the time.

Victor Profile Pic

So let’s start off with something I really really like and that’s breakdancing, quite an unusual hobby for a guy my age. Not many people do it and I completely understand why. It’s an extreme sport and thus also extremely hard and that’s what I love about it. Not many people have an edge over someone else in this sport, it’s all about practice, mostly.

You need excellent body control, you need to be very strong, have good balance and many other traits not everyone can master, definitely not in a very short period of time. I have been doing this for two years now and cannot say that I have mastered any of those, perhaps body control mostly but not too much.

If any of you know the names of moves/tricks, I’d say that I’m rather good at top rock and some powermoves. My favorite is the flare which I’ve mastered most, because I have good upper body strength and a good sense of balance. Another move I love is the Windmill mainly because it looks impressive, I can do it fine if I transition into it from footwork, but I cannot do the coin drop to get into it, because I have bad hips (and lack the skill to do so properly, probably.)

Now for something I dislike and the first thing that comes to my mind is a cat. I do not like cats at all, and I cannot really understand why people keep them as pets. I’m a dog owner myself and find them extremely fascinating, especially compared to a cat. I can teach my dog tricks, he waits for me when I come home, he’s insanely loyal and I take walks with her three times a day, usually pretty happily. A cat however, just sleeps eats and well, you know…

If there are any cat people here, let me know why you love your cat (I’m sure you do, I just don’t understand why)

Now another thing that I enjoy was already mentioned in the last paragraph, dogs, so I’ll try name another thing this time and the first thing that comes to my mind (probably because I’m writing this in a library) is reading books. I read at least three books a month in most cases, either regular books or often audio books and love it.

I do not read fiction in most cases but books that can teach you something, stories like „The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho for example. So mainly I focus on self-development, self-help, management and business books.

I love books because they often solve problems we have nowadays as well, even if it might be a book from the 1920s. The best part is that the writer has often spent years solving that problem for you, giving you almost every single angle you could look at it from and the answer you are looking for as well, coupled with a bunch of interesting stories and whatnot

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